На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Английский язык

18 подписчиков

Slang. Letter B

Back of Bourke a very long way away

Banana bender a person from Queensland

Barbie barbecue (noun)

Beaut, beauty great, fantastic

Billy teapot; container for boiling water

Bingle motor vehicle accident

Bities biting insects

Bitzer mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that)

Bizzo business (“mind your own bizzo”)

Bloke man, guy

Blowie blow fl y

Bludger lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend him things

Blue fight (“he was having a blue with his wife”)

Bodgy of inferior quality

Bogan person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer

Bonzer great, ripper

Boogie board a hybrid, half-sized surf board

Booze bus police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers

Boozer a pub

Bottle shop liquor shop

Brekkie breakfast

Brisvegas Brisbane, state capital of Queensland

Brizzie Brisbane, state capital of Queensland

Budgie smugglers men’s bathing costume

Bush telly campfire

Butcher small glass of beer in South Australia



back seat driver

Definition: Someone who gives unwanted advice; someone who tries to run things even though they don’t have the power or authority to do so.

Example: Rob is the worst back seat driver I know - he’s always telling me what to do.

Etymology: Sometimes people riding in the back of a car will give advice to the driver; this is usually more annoying than helpful. This phrase can be used literally (in a car) or more generally to make fun of someone who is giving unwanted advice.


back to the drawing board

Definition: To begin again; to repeat a process, often after a major setback.

Example: Professor Hoopeldinger had to go back to the drawing board after his experiment blew up.

Etymology: If the initial design for a building or aircraft fails, the designer has to go back to his or her work table and begin again.

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